Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Americans Don't Care (The Question of Palestine)

It's one thing to plead ignorance, it's quite another to be aware and simply dismiss the suffering of others. As Bill and Kathleen Christison, former CIA analysts, explain below, Americans are not unaware of Israel's atrocities, but simply unconcerned.

The Christisons, in addressing a group of influential American journalists, academics, and opinion-makers from across the political spectrum, find that Americans believe that any criticism of Israel's universally condemned human rights crimes amounts to anti-Semitism, and that Palestinians "deserve" to be bombed, imprisoned, tortured, starved, and thrown off their land by our client state.

Why do they hate us?


Obama and Corporate Interests

Do you think that Barack Obama is going to fight for the common man, or will he - like every other candidate in the race - be beholden to corporate interests?

Well, guess who is the number one recipient of campaign funds from the following industries: computer and Internet companies, commercial banks, health professionals, health services and HMOs, hospitals and nursing homes, lawyers and law firms, miscellaneous health care interests, pharmaceutical and health product producers, securities and investment interests (groups with serious cash), and television, movie, and music companies?

If you guessed Hillary Clinton, you're right! Guess who's in second place? A man by the name of Barack Obama.

If you think that BO is going to work for the common good of the common man, you may be a moron.

Read all about it:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Eye-ran? How far'dja run?


Too bad this campaign will go nowhere. The few Americans who have an opinion about Iran want to bomb it back to the Stone Age.

Ridding Americans of our breathtaking ignorance won't be accomplished with a campaign or two, unless they last a thousand years and have billions of dollars of Madison Avenue advertising behind them.

Forgive me my realism.