Monday, July 9, 2007

What are you, some kind of sicko?

A word after watching Sicko in the cinema:

The film is not about promoting socialised medicine, but about promoting socialism, period.

After watching the movie, my wife wants to emigrate to Canada, or possibly, to the UK. While it's certainly possible to make more money in the States than you ever could in Canada or the UK (how many Bill Gateses or Warren Buffetts are from Canada?), it requires an immense investment of effort, time, and yes, money; conversely, if you're interested in working only a reasonable or even negligible amount of time, you can live well in Western Europe or Canada, whereas you'll live like a dog in the States.

This is the power of the film: it can convince ordinary, law-abidin' 'mericans to want to pack up and skip town... forever.

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