Thursday, November 29, 2007

Israel Says: No Peace Deal by End of 2008

Contrary to the overhyped reports in our U.S. media about Israelis and Palestinians reaching a final accord by the end of 2008, Israeli officials promised that their government would refuse to compromise on any outstanding issues. Israel is not willing to make a single concession, according to multiple Israeli officials speaking out in Israel.

As Dion Nissenbaum and Warren P. Strobel of McClatchy Newspapers report today, the Palestinians expected that their compromises would be met with reciprocal Israeli compromises. However, an Israeli official today bragged that, "At the end, we arrived at a delcaration that contains almost no Israeli concessions."

Past Israeli leaders like Rabin and Peres assured their nation that negotiations were designed to be drawn out over several decades, by which time "facts on the ground", like Israeli encroachment onto, and confiscation of, Palestinian land would make a Palestinian state impossible.

This has already happened, with the West Bank currently chopped up into over 120 separate, noncontiguous cantons (per UN and Israeli maps available to the public), cut off from each other by illegal Israeli settlements, making a viable Palestinian state infeasible. However, Prime Minister Olmert and the Israeli government want to buy still more time to demolish Palestinian homes and build Jewish-only neighbourhoods in their stead. They want to reduce the Palestinians to less than their current Native American-like reservations.

This is offical Israeli policy, well-documented in statements made by their own leaders in all of their newspapers. Somehow, Americans are unaware of it.

Link to McClatchy article that contains above quote:

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