Monday, January 14, 2008

Lady Di's Mom Hates Mozzlims

In a startling revelation, it was learned at Lady Diana's inquest in England today that her mother scolded her for being romantically involved with Muslim men.

As Robert Barr of the Associated Press reports today, Frances Shand-Kydd "upbraided her daughter in June 1997 for romances with Muslims. That remark came in 1997, before Diana's romance with Fayed [an Egyptian Briton], but toward the end of her affair with heart surgeon Hasnat Khan [a Pakistani Briton].

"Burrell said he heard the mother say that Diana was 'a whore and that she was (expletive deleted) around with Muslim men.'"

Wow, so a famous British person hates the darkies and the Mozzlims. No surprise there, eh, mate? As Salman Rushdie wrote in the 1980s, British people are afraid of "big, brown cocks". Except for Lady Di, who apparently loved them.

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