Monday, September 8, 2008

Evidence Contradicts US Denials in Afghan Airstrike

After weeks of denials by our government, there is finally no doubt: more than 90 Afghan civilians, at least 75 of them children or women, were killed by an American bombing frenzy in Azizabad on 22 August.

Carlotta Gall of the The New York Times parses through the evidence in a courageous article and comes to this conclusion. She is supported by various NGOs in the region, several human rights organisations, intelligence officials, local physicians, and a UN special investigation into the U.S. bombing.

You'll recall that our military has insisted for weeks that only 5-7 civilians died. Some of our honest American officials even went so far as to say that local Afghans fabricated false graves in order to paint the U.S. in a bad light. (Does this remind anyone of Israeli claims that the Lebanese were digging empty "show" graves in 2006 after indiscriminate Israeli bombings killed hundreds of children?)

Check it out for yourself with this link-rot-avoiding secondary link:


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