Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bullshit News Item of the Day: Religion and the Presidency

Wow, Mitt Romney passed the latest test in his bid to become president, and the media are gushing. Romney, a Mormon, when asked whether he will show favouritism to Mormons or be a president for all Americans, promised that he would "serve only the common cause of the people of the United States."

Brilliant! No wonder the media are all smiles. It was a tense moment there, because he may very well have said that he will work only for Mormon issues and ignore what other Americans think. Good thing he is nice-guy enough to want to work for all Americans. Thank God that's cleared up. He must have a brilliant campaign manager.

What if a Muslim - excuse me, Muzzlim - ran for president? I wonder if he'd be asked about his religion? I wonder if everyone would immediately accept his word that he would serve all Americans and not just Muslim Americans. I wonder if no matter what he said people would show "proof" that he's secretly working for Muslim causes.

Nah, they'd never do that. Americans take politicians at their word, especially when it comes to religion. Just look at their handling of the Mitt Romney-and-religion scandal. Americans are good people.

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