Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Physicians for Human Rights: Medical Exams Prove Torture in Guantanamo and Iraq

If there was any doubt in your mind - and some of my American friends do doubt - about our brave American boys in uniform torturing those evil Eye-rackis and ragheads, let the medical record speak for itself.

Physicians for Human Rights, an organisation to which I belong, has published a report (Broken Laws, Broken Lives) documenting torture of prisoners after conducting extensive, two-day long examinations of patients who were in U.S. custody.

The scariest part is, these were the people deemed innocent by our military, men released from prison. What of those others (who may yet be innocent) who remain in prison and continue to be tortured? And what of those silent many who died while being tortured? (In a separate vein, what of those American physicians who falsified death certificates to hide that prisoners were tortured to death? This is a subject my wife has tackled elsewhere.)

Bush, Rumsfeld, and other governmental higher-ups have continually denied that we torture, issuing the feeble "bad apple" argument, but declassified documents have proven time and again that torture was authorised from the highest levels.

Why don't Americans protest against this? Where are the mass demonstrations in the streets declaring "Not in our name"? Since I don't see Americans forcefully and unequivocally denouncing the torture we routinely practise, I can only conclude that we condone it, celebrate it, even applaud it. This is precisely the argument American political commentators make regarding Mozzlims and their supposed lack of public opposition to terrorism.

Remember, it's only terrorism when "they" do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best. Blog. Ever.